11:32, 15.09.2008 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Malaysia''s Sep 1-15 Palm Oil Exports 616,138 Tons - Intertek

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's palm oil exports during the Sept. 1-15
period reached an estimated 616,138 metric tons, down 8.5% on month, cargo
surveyor Intertek Agri Services said Monday.

The estimate is below market expectations of around 625,000 tons.

Malaysia exported 673,264 tons of palm oil during the first 15 days of
August, 515,266 tons of palm oil between July 1 and July 15 and 558,630 tons
during the June 1-15 period, according to Intertek.

It had estimated exports at 642,538 tons during the first 15 days of May and
579,397 tons during the April 1-15 period.

For the March 1-15 period, it had estimated exports at 664,446 tons, while
Feb. 1-15 exports were estimated at 603,389 tons.

Another surveyor, SGS (Malaysia) Bhd., is expected to release its export
estimates later Monday.


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