21:25, 15.09.2008 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Malaysia''s Sep 1-15 Palm Oil Exports Dn 5.8% On Month - SGS

 KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's palm oil exports fell 5.8% on month
during the Sept. 1-15 period to 605,786 metric tons, cargo surveyor SGS
(Malaysia) Bhd. said Monday.

Shipments were lower than the market's expectation of around 625,000 tons.

Exports were estimated by SGS at 643,324 tons during the Aug. 1-15 period and
485,181 tons during the July 1-15 period.

SGS had estimated exports at 600,674 tons during the same period in June,
660,331 tons for the May 1-15 period and 630,431 tons for the April 1-15

The latest figure is lower than another estimate issued by surveyor Intertek
Agri Services, which pegged Sept. 1-15 exports at 616,138 tons.

The following are details of the SGS estimate:

(all figures in metric tons)
Sep 1-15 Aug 1-15
RBD Palm Olein 312,478 316,334
RBD Palm Oil 59,044 60,631
RBD Palm Stearin 49,542 53,735
Crude Palm Oil 79,220 103,395

Major importers of Malaysian palm oil (in tons)
European Union 92,443 156,685
China 186,880 226,950
U.S. 8,159 22,915
India 65,815 53,725
Pakistan 60,350 42,750


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