17:34, 18.05.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ India 08-09 Veg Oil Imports May Rise To Around 8.5M Tons

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--India's vegetable oil imports may rise to an
all-time high of up to 8.5 million tons in the marketing year to October 2009
due to lower import tariffs that have helped increase per capita consumption,
London-based vegetable oils analyst Dorab Mistry said Monday.

India imported around 6.3 million tons vegetable oils in 2007-08.

"India's vegetable oils imports may continue up to October at around
650,000-700,000 tons each month, with higher volumes purchased before
festivals," Mistry said addressing a vegetable oils conference organized by
Malaysian Palm Oil Council in Tokyo.

However, if the new government in India imposes an import duty of 10%-20% on
crude edible oils, then the total imports this year may reach around 8.0
million tons. India currently doesn't impose any import duty on crude edible

Mistry also said India has been the biggest driver of growth in the global
consumption of vegetable oils this year, adding the country's per capita
consumption this year is likely to reach 12.78 kilograms, up from 11.40 kg in


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