12:16, 19.05.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ China To Stockpile Pork To End Surplus; Shore Up Prices-Xinhua (ENG)

SHANGHAI (Dow Jones)--China's Ministry of Commerce will start stockpiling
pork to soak up surplus supplies if prices continue to stay weak, the official
Xinhua News Agency reported Tuesday.

  "If the price ratio between pork and grains remains below 6 to 5.5 for four
consecutive weeks, the Ministry of Commerce will start stockpiling pork," the
report said, citing Yao Jian, the ministry's spokesman.

  Increasing hog supplies and weak consumption has forced pork prices to
decline recently, with average rates in large- and medium-sized cities being
CNY14,490/ton, down 22.2% compared with those at the start of the year, and
33.6% below last year's, Xinhua said.

  "There are two ways to stockpile pork from the market - one is through
government buying, the other is through commercial buying - both are aimed at
stabilizing prices," said Yao.

  Beijing is also expediting setting up a central cold storage to stockpile the
meat, as part of its effort to balance demand and supply and stabilize prices,
the report said, citing Yao.

  -Yue Li contributed to this story, Dow Jones Newswires; (8621) 6120 1200;



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