07:16, 18.06.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ MARKET TALK:Soybean Prices May Stay Firm On Tight Supply-BarCap (ENG)

[Dow Jones] Soybean prices expected to remain firm, underpinned by tight old
crop, weak pace of soybean plantings in U.S. compared with 5-year averages,
says Barclays Capital in daily commodities report, citing data from weekly USDA
Planting Progress report. "Across the grains we continue to hold a more
positive view on soybeans and corn over coming months compared with wheat,
where, despite an expected fall in 2009/10 production, inventories have edged
up," report says. Adds, food demand should keep farm sector strong in next
decade despite a significant hit from the global economic downturn; average
crop prices projected to be 10%-20% higher in real terms in 2009-2018, relative
to 1997-2006, Barclays says, citing report by Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development issued today. (ANJ)

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