22:28, 11.08.2008 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Malaysia Aug 1-10 Palm Oil Exports Up At 401,800 Tons - SGS

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's palm oil exports for the August 1-10
period rose 23.2% on month to a 3-month high of 401,800 metric tons, cargo
surveyor SGS (Malaysia) Bhd. said Monday.

SGS had estimated exports for the July 1-10 period at 326,109 tons.

The August 1-10 numbers are close to market expectations of around 400,000
tons but lower than an estimate of 407,922 tons by another cargo surveyor,
Intertek Agri Services.

SGS estimated exports June 1-10 exports at 389,300 tons, May 1-10 exports at
406,693 tons, April 1-10 exports at 346,808 tons and 527,408 tons for the first
10 days of March.

Exports for the Feb. 1-10 period were estimated at 362,366 tons, while Jan.
1-10 exports were estimated at 356,194 tons by SGS.

The following are the major items in the SGS estimate:

(All figures in metric tons)
Aug 1-10 July 1-10
RBD Palm Olein 208,584 158,790
RBD Palm Oil 42,332 65,079
RBD Palm Stearin 33,175 28,476
Crude Palm Oil 47,995 15,996

Major buyers of Malaysian palm oil:
China 160,550 111,577
European Union 81,515 25,451
India 25,725 4,750
U.S. 14,350 50,055
Pakistan 42,750 18,650


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