13:12, 24.02.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ China Buys 90,000 Tons Soyoil At $685-$690/Ton, C&F - Exec

 KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--China has purchased at least 90,000 metric tons
soyoil since Friday at prices between $685 and $690 a metric ton, on a cost and
freight basis, and is looking for more cargoes, a senior trading executive said

A deal for Around 50,000 tons was done on Friday and another for close to
40,000 tons on Monday, both for shipment in June and July, said a Jakarta-based
executive with an international trading company.

He said soyoil's shrinking price premium over palm olein has spurred trades

Traders said sellers are now offering soyoil at $690/ton for delivery to
Chinese ports, but buyers are looking at prices close to $680 for shipments in
June and July, due to a drop in local prices.

However, India, the other major Asian buyer, is purchasing more palm oil due
to an import tariff advantage over soyoil.


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