12:20, 27.02.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Malaysia Feb Palm Oil Exports Likely Dn 8%-12% On Mo-Traders

 KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's palm oil exports are likely to be 8%-12%
lower on month in February at around 1.17 million metric tons, trading and
shipping executives said Friday.

"Average daily exports have been good. Since February is a shorter month the
total numbers will be lower," said a senior shipping executive.

Overall exports may be lower this month compared with January and December
but there has been a sharp increase in shipments to China, said an exporter in

Cargo surveyor, Intertek Agri Services, estimated exports last month at 1.27
million tons. Another surveyor, SGS (Malaysia) Bhd., put the numbers at 1.32
million tons.

Intertek is expected to issue its data for February on Saturday while SGS may
issue it Monday.


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