12:03, 12.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ RBD Olein May Rise To $670/Ton In Jan-Jun, FOB Malaysia-Mielke

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Crude palm oil prices are likely to rise by
$70-$100 a metric ton until June amid falling inventories, and are likely to
average $640/ton, cost and freight Rotterdam during the January-June 2009
period, Hamburg-based vegetable oils analyst Thomas Mielke said Thursday.

In a pre-recorded speech broadcast during a conference here, he said RBD palm
olein prices will continue to rise in the medium term and reach an average of
$670/ton, free on board Malaysia during January-June 2009.

"The pace of reduction in Malaysian stocks has been quite significant in the
last 3 months, resulting in an appreciation of about $110-$120 in prices and
narrowing the discount to other oils."

Palm kernel oil prices may recover to $660/ton, cost, insurance and freight
Rotterdam in January-June 2009 and its price discount to coconut oil is
expected to narrow, Mielke said.


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