21:43, 16.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Malaysia''s Mar 1-15 Palm Oil Exports Up 19.8% On Month - SGS

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's palm oil exports during Mar. 1-15 rose
19.8% from the same period a month earlier to a three-month high of 592,071
metric tons, cargo surveyor SGS (Malaysia) Bhd. said Monday.

Exports were estimated at 494,172 tons during the Feb. 1-15 period, 570,602
tons during Jan. 1-15 and at a record high of 895,693 tons during the Dec. 1-15

The growth in shipments in the first half of March were above market
expectations of an increase of around 10%-12% on month, but close to the
estimates of another cargo surveyor, Intertek Agri Services, which put the Mar.
1-15 figure at 591,567 tons.

SGS estimated exports at 649,071 tons for Nov. 1-15 last year, 549,798 tons
for Oct. 1-15, 605,786 tons for Sept. 1-15, 643,324 tons for Aug. 1-15 and
485,181 tons for July 1-15.

SGS Malaysia is a division of the Switzerland-based Societe Generale de
Surveillance Group.


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