12:11, 20.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ India 08-09 Vegoil Imports May Rise To 7.5M Tons -Analyst

 KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--India's vegetable oil imports are likely to rise to
a record high of 7.5 million metric tons in the current marketing year to
October, up from an earlier estimate of 7.2 million tons, London-based
vegetable oils analyst Dorab Mistry said late Thursday.

Imports are likely to be higher than earlier expectations because the
government has scrapped a 20% import duty on soyoil, which will depress local
prices of edible oils and oilseeds to the detriment of farmers and increase per
capita consumption.

Imports of soyoil are likely to be 1.5 million tons and that of palm oil
around 5.3 million tons, Mistry said in a statement.

Crude soyoil will now maintain a premium over palm olein, he said, adding
that crude soyoil prices could fall to $550/ton, free on board Argentina,
because of an expected rise in plantings this year in the U.S.


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