17:28, 20.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Malaysia''s Mar 1-20 Palm Oil Exports Dn 5.6% On Month - SGS

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Malaysia's palm oil exports fell 5.6% on month
during the March 1-20 period to 741,397 metric tons, cargo surveyor, SGS
(Malaysia) Bhd., said Friday.

Exports were estimated 20% higher on month during the March 1-15 period.

Shipments in the first 20 days of the month were above market expectations of
around 720,000 tons and the estimate issued by surveyor Intertek Agri Services,
which pegged the March 1-20 volume at 723,770 tons.

SGS estimated exports during the Feb. 1-20 period at 785,292 tons, 771,860
tons in the first 20 days of January, 1.11 million tons in Dec. 1-20 and
844,750 tons in Nov. 1-20.

The following are details of the SGS estimates:
(All figures in metric tons)
Mar 1-20 Feb 1-20
RBD Palm Olein 333,012 319,306
RBD Palm Oil 89,664 84,803
RBD Palm Stearin 61,539 71,147
Crude Palm Oil 127,330 183,450

Major importers of Malaysian palm oil in tons:
European Union 133,638 137,163
China 227,022 231,860
U.S. 63,240 50,115
India 37,050 83,100
Pakistan 72,500 66,250


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