16:16, 22.05.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ Bangladesh Reimposes Rice Export Ban After Price Rise (ENG)

DHAKA (AFP)--Bangladesh reimposed a ban on rice exports Friday as it
struggled to stabilize domestic prices and supplies in the impoverished

  The move came after rice prices began rising just weeks after an earlier
export ban expired in Bangladesh, where the grain is a food staple.

  "The government has banned the export of rice for the next six months," a
government statement said.

  "This step has been taken to keep prices stable and ensure the supply of rice
in the domestic market is not disrupted."

  In 2007, Bangladesh exported rice worth $5.5 million to countries with
expatriate Bangladeshi populations.

  But domestic prices almost doubled in 2008 following floods and a devastating

  Officials issued a first six-month ban in May last year and then another soon
after that expired.

  The increase in rice prices has pushed at least four million Bangladeshis out
of a population of 144 million further into poverty, according to the World

  Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who came to power in January after two years of
rule by an army-backed government, promised to lower food prices in a key
election campaign pledge.



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