
По словам директора по вопросам зерновых департамента аграрной политики Минсельхоза Бразилии Сильвио Фарнеси (Silvio Farnesi), в 2006/07 МГ производство кукурузы в стране может достичь 50 млн. т, поск...
"Комстар - Объединенные ТелеСистемы" объявляет о запуске в коммерческую эксплуатацию услуги беспроводного доступа в сеть Интернет (Wi-Fi) в Московском метрополитене.В планах компании охватить все пере...
С 2004 года, когда Международная ассоциация воздушного транспорта IATA выдвинула рекомендацию о полном переходе на электронные билеты, Sabre Holdings активно сотрудничает ... К концу 2006 года Sabre в...
Мы также уверены в том, что две электростанции в Республике Бурятия и Читинской области будут использованы для обслуживания разработки Быстринской группы ... В частности, отношение капитализации к уст...
Основатель, президент и основной владелец финансовой корпорации "Уралсиб" Николай Цветков уходит из банковского бизнеса в торговлю и недвижимость, сообщает газета ... Вице-президент "Уралсиба" Алексан...
World Grains by Commodity Wheat Area, Yield, and Production (Table 2) Total Coarse Grain Area...
Загрузить обзор В выпуске от МСХ США Вы найдете:Table of Contents Commodity Data Table 1: ...
(Midday settlement prices in Malaysian ringgit a metric ton) Last Previous Change High Low Mar 07 - 1975 - - - Apr 07 1972 1970 up 2 ...
MANILA (Dow Jones)--The following are United Coconut Association of thePhilippines coconut oil and copra prices for Monday in pesos a kilogram for30-day contracts. ...
By Benjamin Low Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Interest in the little-known jatropha crop is onthe rise as edible oils like palm oil become too costly to be used for fuel, anindust...
KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--The following are prices for Malaysian palm oil onthe cash market at 0330 GMT Monday, supplied by commodity broker Matthes &Porton Bhd. Prices are quoted in U.S. dollars a m...
Первой телефонной станции Екатеринбурга исполнилось 115 лет.Сегодня в столице Урала работает несколько десятков электронных и квазиэлектронных АТС, возможности которых позволяют предоставлять не тольк...
Шамаев Виталий Анатольевич эксперт-аналитик аграрных рынковчлен Волгоградского регионального отделения АПР(8442) 97-27-00 доб 1125, 93-03-56, 8-902-652-8882Загрузить презентацию...
HAMBURG (Dow Jones)--Lowest known offers at 1745 local time in U.S. dollars a metric ton, bulk, with changes on the day unless otherwise stated as quoted by European traders: Soyoil, Dutch origin ...
HAMBURG (Dow Jones)--Lowest known offers at 1745 local time in U.S. dollars a metric ton, bulk, with changes on the day unless otherwise stated as quoted by European traders: Palm oil, Mal/Sumatran o...
12.03.2007 08:03 Пакет дня
Проект Debian запустил сервис "Debian package of the day". На сайте каждый день будет выложено описание одного из пакетов дистрибутива, с иллюстрациями. ...
The following are highlights of cash grain market reports.Values represent the highest basis bids for interior US truckand Gulf of Mexico barge and rail deliveries, in cents per bushel. Basisbids are ...
The following are highlights of cash grain market reports.Values represent the highest basis bids for interior US truck andGulf of Mexico barge and rail deliveries, in cents per bushel. Basisbids are ...
MS_GR114Minneapolis, MN Fri Mar 09, 2007 USDA Market NewsBarge terminal daily grain prices, dollars per bushel, truckdelivered grain prices for indicated Mississippi River areas. US...
By Gary Wulf Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES CENTRAL CITY, Neb. (Dow Jones)--U.S. cash grain prices ultimately registeredlittle change this week, despite early equity-inspired volatility in futures,which saw...
MS_GR113Minneapolis, MN Fri Mar 09, 2007 USDA Market NewsDaily grain prices, spot truck prices for supplies delivered toSouthern Minnesota elevators, dollars per bushel.Southern Minnesota, u...
JO_GR850Portland, Oregon Fri Mar 9, 2007 USDA Market NewsBids for grains for 30-day delivery to United States export portsin dollars per bushel and changes in cents per bus...
US_GR110Austin, Texas Friday March 09, 2007 USDA-TX. Dept of Ag Market NewsTexas High Plains cash grain markets: Closed mostly 7 cents to 8 centslower on grain sorghum, unchanged to 2 cents higher on...
RH_GR111Richmond, VA Fri Mar 09, 2007 USDA-VA Dept of Ag Market NewsVirginia Grain - Richmond, Norfolk, PetersburgPrices dollars per bushel unless otherwise stated.Closing prices for Fri Mar 0...
WINNIPEG (Dow Jones)--The following are the Canadian Wheat Board's wheatexport prices, in Canadian dollars per metric ton, instore Baie Comeau, St.Lawrence, Atlantic and West Coast areas. Canadian Wes...
The following are bids and offers for bulk middlings at majorUS markets as of 1200 CST. Several locations have been averaged. Pricesare in dollars per ton. Changes are from the previous day and basedo...
SJ_GR210St. Joseph, MO Fri Mar 09, 2007 USDA-MO Dept Ag Market NewsKansas City Daily FeedWholesale bids per ton, bulk, in truck lots, unless otherwise specified. (Soybean meal and Soybean...
By Theopolis Waters Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--U.S. pork exports are in the crosshairs of domestic highcorn prices that are driven by throttled up ethanol production and feed demand...
HAMBURG (Dow Jones)--Prices quoted in USD/t, bulk, CIF Rotterdam, unlessotherwise noted as quoted by European traders: Argentinean Soy pellets 45-46%CIF Rotterdam Afl.: Eden Maru 260.00 ...
LONDON (Dow Jones) - U.K. spot delivered feed wheat, milling wheat and barleyquotes in GBP a metric ton, as supplied by the U.K. Home Grown CerealsAuthority. Prices as at Mar 8th.Grain & Market Centre...
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