12:03, 12.03.2009 — Новости
автор: OilWorld.Ru

DJ India 08-09 Veg Oil Imports Likely At Record 7.15M Tons-Mistry

 KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--India's vegetable oil imports are likely to hit a
record high of 7.15 million metric tons in the marketing year to October 2009,
despite an expected slowdown in purchases, because large volumes have already
been imported, London-based vegetable oil analyst Dorab Mistry said Thursday.

Imports in 2007-08 are estimated at 6.3 million tons.

Addressing an international conference on vegetable oils, Mistry said imports
of palm oil are likely to be 5.6 million tons, up from 5.3 million tons.

He said India's vegetable oil production is likely to fall this year to 6.6
million tons from 7.1 million tons.

"Vegetable oil imports by India will slow down from the hectic pace that we
saw between November and February," Mistry said.

He said sunflower oil imports will surge to 400,000 tons from 30,000 tons
last year.


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